Archive - January 9, 2013

Sitting high atop his horse was a knight

Isaac bike1
經兒子同意,分享他另一篇老師對全班朗讀的作文。他筆下的武士與馬生動傳神,畫面與聲音皆俱,讀起來趣味十足。(With Isaac’s permission, sharing his lovely writing):

「Sitting high atop his horse was a knight. He felt like a warn-out sock (Teacher: creative image, good smile!) after the loooooonnnggg journey. The snow crunched (Teacher: vivid verb) under the hooves of his trusty stead. The faint glow (great adjective) of the moon brightened his rusty armor (wonderful sentence!). A fortress of stone (Wow! What a great way to refer to a castle!) lit a small path ahead. Suddenly, the knight toppled off his horse, asleep only to be waken by a surge (fabulous noun) of wind . His armor was now snow white (^-^). The horse whinnied (great word choice) like a pig squealing (fun simile). The castle was close now, a couple of horse-lengths (great description) away, glowing brightly. A squire opened the door. The horse half-crawled in, the feather on the knight’s helmet quivering (love this word!).」

「一名武士高坐戰馬上,經過一段長長–的征旅後,他如一隻破舊的襪子般,疲憊不堪。雪在忠實的馬蹄下嘎扎嘎扎地響,暗淡的月光照在他鏽舊的盔甲上。一座 石頭堡壘引亮了一條小路。突然,武士從馬背上睡跌落地,直到一陣狂風終於把他吹醒。白雪覆蓋了他的盔甲,疲馬發出豬般的嘶嚎。城堡近了,只剩一兩馬步遠, 燈火亮起。一名護衛打開門,馬半爬半行而入,武士頭盔上的羽冠顫抖搖曳。」

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